Early September in Iceland 2018 - despite being called the 'worst summer in 100 years' we had great weather with clear skies every night. Camping around the south and east side of the Island you could really spend a week in each location we went to. 2-1 sheep to human population with under half a million people on the Island it is vastly empty of human junk - Almost 100% powered by geothermal/hydroelectric Iceland is resourceful with what they have.
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Man made

With a 2-1 sheep to human ratio and a population of under half a million for the country outside of Reykjavik there is not much going on. Prior to the construction of the Ring Road (Route 1) in 1974 that many locals protested citing environmental impact as well as disturbing the nearby elves the villages/towns were mostly isolated and limited to farming and fishing. Not that much has changed in these small towns but you definitely get a sense they might be over this tourism boom.

Early October in Iceland 2019